Thursday, June 2, 2011

Kick Start

If you read my last post, you may have seen a sentence that said something about the summer ahead being ripe with opportunity. It's a true statement...because I choose for it to be. I choose to look at my weeks without work/school schedules - days that are unplanned - as a chance to be productive or try something new. But it could also be said that those unplanned days have the ability to stretch long and daunting before me if they are wasted. I don't want that. I want optimism. And I want to look back in September with a sense of satisfaction. I still plan on taking life slower, enjoying more time with the kids, and the occasional luxury of sleeping in. But I'm also thinking of planting, painting, photography, reading, cooking, and organizing (among other things).

Since there is no time like the present...I'm going to kick start my motivated summer with a fun little photography project. One picture for every day of June, following a list I ran across on a random blog, on an internet bunny trail. (I did miss day one yesterday, but I didn't want to use that as an excuse not to participate.) Each day has a topic/subject that I will do my best to stick to, and then post here on the blog. Here goes nothing!!!

June 2nd - "What You Wore Today"
I wore accessories.
Which makes me feel a little more pretty and put together.
Which makes me celebrate being a girl.

I hope you'll stick with me through this project. (My first!) It's a simple act of discipline and creativity - two characteristics that will be healthy for me to practice!

P.S. Here's a little glimpse of what I actually DID wear today ;^) Yep. Jeans. Shocking, I know!

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