Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Looking Ahead

I spent the last week looking back...trying to wrap my mind around the fact that the preschool year had come to a close. How did it happen so fast? All the weeks with those precious little people. Each one unique. Some special from the very first moment I met them last fall, others dear because of the growth that was worked for along the way. Now they are attending kindergarten round-ups and preparing for the transition into 'big kid' school; most I will never see again. My mind rebels. How could these days, which were so many and so few at the same time, be the end? It's hard to reconcile.

So I choose to think of them, pray for them, and then release them into God's loving hands. Our year was but a brief glimmer in the story of their lives...but God...He is the author of their lives. He was there before, and He will be there all the days of their future.

Just as He is there in my tomorrow. In each moment with my husband and children. In my summer that stretches ahead, open and ripe with opportunity. And in my fall, as I welcome another class of little ones.

I needed this week to process and look back. But now? Now is the time to look ahead.

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