Saturday, May 9, 2009

Waking Up With The Birds

It is a grand thing to be able to sleep in and wake up to a glorious spring morning... stretching luxuriously in bed at 8:40 a.m. (Hey! That's sleeping in for a mom of three!!), sun peeking around the curtains in our room, birds singing outside. You've got to relish these days as they don't happen very often!

I finally pried myself from bed, got our youngest dressed and at the table to eat breakfast. Our two older kids had already eaten, finishing one of the boxes of cereal, so I went to the laundry room where we keep a small "pantry" of extra food. I opened the door, walked in, screeched, ran back out and slammed the door. It wasn't birds singing outside that I had woken up to! It was a bird INSIDE! Yes...IN our laundry room, flapping furiously at the big window trying it's hardest to fly straight through the glass to freedom! Shocked, I turned to Emily and exclaimed, "There's a bird in there!" She came running over, and together we peered through a gap in the mini blinds to see the poor little green vested birdie sitting on the window sill. Emily offered to go out the front door, run around the house and open the back door to offer Mr. Green Vest a means of escape, but by this time I had recovered from the shock of his discovery and told her that I could go back in and open the door myself. Ducking low, I ventured back into the laundry room and opened the back door. He fluttered around bewildered only for a moment before he found his exit and soared out into the sunny, blue day.

I closed the door with a sigh of relief and turned to examine the laundry room. No other creatures, just a couple of parting 'gifts' from Greenie to clean up. What a start to the day! Brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "Waking up with the birds!"

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