Thursday, May 14, 2009

Spiders On The Ceiling

I sat down at my computer to check email this morning and began to ponder what my next blog posting should be about. While I was waiting for Outlook to load, I leaned back in the chair to stretch, and froze. I began to chuckle because there on my ceiling, staring back at me in a mess of florescent legs, were two stretchy spiders...courtesy of one of my darling children :)I have been a mom for almost 10 years now...I should not be surprised to wake up and find spiders on my ceiling. After all, I have found many unexpected items over the years! A Dora figurine in the filing cabinet. Tupperware in the toaster. Stuffed animals in place of my shoes. Tonka trucks in the flower beds. More surprises than I can count have turned up in the washing machine from one of my lovely's pockets. Honestly, I have to say that I don't mind. Sometimes it's inconvenient when you can't find something you need, but mostly it is just part of the fun that goes along with having lively, imaginative children in our home. It makes life interesting. I believe I will miss it when they are grown.

Speaking of which...Ben just burst in to announce that we needed to have a conversation. "Dad and Mr. Charlie just threw me out of the new house window!" he accuses, but with a hint of little boy pleasure on his face.

I wonder...what will happen next???

1 comment:

Julianna Lawson said...

Isn't life with children wonderful? Never a dull moment :).