Saturday, April 25, 2009

A Little Kindness

Building our house has left us with a lot of cardboard boxes to dispose of. We have been breaking them down and stacking them up for a while. Finally the pile was big enough that it became a nuisance, so Paul threw down the seats in his Rodeo and crammed the back, floor to ceiling, with all the cardboard, then handed me the keys so I could go recycle it.

It was fairly busy when I arrived at the recycling center...enough so that I had to wait in line for a turn to unload. A large truck and trailer finally pulled out, allowing me to pull forward and fill their spot. I climbed out, opened the back and grabbed my first pile of cardboard. As I walk over to the large container, I spotted an employee of the center wading through the cardboard, throwing things back out of the container, and mumbling something under his breath about "stupid people". Trying to mind my own business, I threw in my first load and went back for another. When I returned it was obvious by his movements and mannerisms that he was NOT having a good morning! On my third trip to the container he stops me and snaps, "You need to hurry. I have two full containers I have to empty!" Now, I wasn't running, but I wasn't taking a snail's pace either; nor was I parked in an inappropriate spot. I was caught off guard, so I simply responded, "Ok...I'll try!" I made sure that I was moving quickly and carrying big loads each time I went. When the the last load was disposed of, I hurried back to close up the Rodeo and be on my way. Just as I swung the tailgate closed, the same man appears at my elbow, smiles at me and says, "You're faster than a speeding bullet!" I could only laugh and reply, "Oh...well I do what I can." "Thank you," he says with another smile.

I pulled away and marveled at the night and day difference in the man's attitude. All I did was offer a little kindness by responding to him respectfully and doing what I could to meet his request. Such a small thing, but what a change it made! It made me think: How often do I miss opportunities like that because I feel offended or worry more about my own agenda? It wasn't a significant encounter, but it reminds me that my response has the power to ease someone else's day. That we can all make a difference in small, everyday gestures; and that a little kindness goes a long way!

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