Wednesday, July 8, 2009


One year's toil and work has finally come to fruition. We moved into our new house over the weekend! There are still a couple pipes to be insulated, the closets need baseboard trim and some need shelves, and there are boxes to unpack and possessions to be sorted through...but we are here, and it feels WONDERFUL!

I confess that when I was in the middle of installing tile alongside Paul or painting walls, I often felt that this day would never come. The new house was a place to go work, and I couldn't imagine it as a place to live. Now that we are here, however, it is rapidly feeling like home. I know this house better than I have known any other house we have lived in! I know each color of grout, what paint goes where, which of the slate tiles are my favorite, and where the pieces of hickory flooring have the most eye catching pattern. I know the little flaws as well as the places where everything came together smoothly. And now I am learning the sounds of it being a home as the children run around and settle into their new rooms, explore the kitchen to find their breakfast items, and chase the puppy in circles around the furniture!

We have slept three nights in our new home. Each morning I wake up thanking God for His amazing provision - for what feels like a clean, fresh start for each of us. May we always be good stewards of what He has given, yet keep perspective that all these blessings are momentary and our true home is yet to come.