Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Heater For The Heatwave???

We are in the midst of a heatwave here in the NW, and every day I am thankful for the blessing of a/c! I am a lucky woman to have a home that is a cool refuge where we can play and sleep in comfort. The house is maintained at a lovely 76-78 degrees, and while that is perfect for me during the day, something happens to me around 8:30 at night. My hands and feet begin to feel cool, and before I know it I am looking for a sweatshirt or blanket. Those who know me will tell you...I am a woman who is notorious for feeling cold in the evening.

Sunday night I was brushing my teeth, getting ready for bed, and feeling incredibly cold. My poor little feet felt like ice on the bathroom tile and I was covered in goosebumps! Like a siren singing an irresistible song, the wall heater that my kind husband installed especially for me called my name. How could I refuse??? I promised myself I would only indulge while I was brushing, reached out and turned the knob to 80, and sat directly in front of it as the heat blissfully rushed over me. Sweet warmth! True to my word, I turned it off as soon as I was done with my teeth, finished up my night-time routine, and jumped under the covers in bed before all the heat left my skin.

A short time later, Paul passed through our room and headed in the master bath to get ready for bed himself. "Something smells sort of hot in here," he says. He's not asking me a question...just musing out loud. I hear him opening cabinets, checking the jet tub and looking around the bathroom. "Huh," he says, with a tone that tells me he is perplexed yet resigned. Bed is more tempting and he is willing to let it go, unresolved. When he climbs in bed next to me, I finally confess,"I was cold. I may have turned on the heater. But it was just for a minute!"

"What?!?" He cannot believe his ears. "It's hot in here. The a/c is on."

"I was so cold! I couldn't resist!"

"It's hot. You're crazy!" He says to me, amusement in his voice.

He's right. It IS crazy how cold I can get in the evening, but that moment in front of the heater was divine! I'm so glad he installed it for me...even in the midst of a NW heatwave!

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