Friday, November 6, 2009

Old Question, Revisited

Honestly, I can't remember what prompted the conversation, but my husband and I were sitting on the couch last night when we began discussing the Mayan calendar. (I know. Random, right?) He informed me that there is a theory in existence that the end of the world is a little more than two short years from now, in the year 2012. This theory, he goes on to explain, is based on the fact that the ancient Mayan calendar ends that year; and since there are many who believe the civilization from long ago had a certain mathmatical genius, the same people would naturally conclude that the end of the calendar means the end of life as we know it.

I would not be one of those people. As a matter of fact, I generally avoid those types of theories all together. Each individual day has enough joys and trials of its own! Life is one day at a time. What's more, I believe in a God who not only knows the numbers of my days, but who holds time in the palm of His hand. He knows. He has a plan; and I will trust Him.

Nevertheless, the conversation with my husband did make me think. It surfaced the old question of , "If I knew the number of my days, knew I had only two years left to live, would I live differently? How?" Of course the answer was yes. I would change things. Live with more purpose. Finish things I had started. Make the most of the time with loved ones. Worry less about the small stuff. And yet we live as though we have infinite time...

I guess it's because life is just as much about the little, mundane details as it is the big picture issues. Still, I think it is good for us to ask this question every once in a while. To remember that life is shorter than we think and reprioritize. So I challenge you! Be sure you are accomplishing the things that matter. Make a difference. Check something off your 'bucket list'. Then don't forget to do a load of laundry and take out the trash :)

That is life happening.

1 comment:

Joanna said...

This is too weird! First I woke up with a message on my phone -my friend wanting to go see 2012- which I hadn't even heard of until this morning. Then I read your blog posting. Then when P.J. woke up the first thing he says is how he thinks we really might not live to see 70 the way the world is going. Weird.