Wednesday, October 13, 2010

what do you do...

I know it has been weeks since my last post. Weeks. Sorry. I don't like to go that long between posting, but I guess moving will do that to a person. Ahh, moving. Filling up boxes, only to empty them again. Arranging and rearranging furniture. Realizing that in your new house you have too much of one thing and not enough of another. It's a process. One that I'm not even done with yet. AND it's the reason why I don't really have anything thoughtful to post today...other than "hi" and to say I've been missing my creative outlets. Like my camera and this blog. *sigh* All in due time, I suppose.

Until said time, let me just leave you with this little pearl of wisdom from my life as a preschool teacher: What do you do when you have spent way too much time on crowd control and good listening manners for one morning, only to have two children bonk heads (because they weren't sitting and listening as they should), causing one child to dramatically whimper and be on the verge of tears??? Do you interrupt class again? Do you give a lecture, reminding them that if they had been sitting as they were told it wouldn't have happened? None of the above. Instead, you mentally acknowledge the fact that the injured child is just feeling tired and overly sensitive after a busy morning, you quickly acknowledge their pain and tell them you are sorry, then you sing. Yep. It goes something like this..." oh, you bonked your head. I'm sorry. You know that makes me think of a song I know. A song about monkeys jumping on a bed." *begin singing here* "Five little monkeys jumping on a bed. One fell off and bonked his head..." 

You know what? It worked. The tears stopped, and the injury was forgotten. Seriously. Feel free to try it some time :)

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