Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Expanding My Horizons

For me, one of life's simple pleasures is a tasty, hot beverage in hand. There is something so comforting about holding a warm mug...sipping the steaming hot liquid. I seem to be in the habit of starting and ending most every day that way. In the morning, I am all about my coffee. The day just doesn't seem like it has truly begun until that first drink of sweet, creamy coffee. As the day progresses, I try to be good and drink my water, but I find many days (as the afternoon/evening rolls around) I go looking in the kitchen for a mug to fill. Now, as much as I love my coffee, my body loves it in moderation. So I started keeping packs of apple cider around the house as a hot beverage alternative.

Then it occured to me that I am omitting an extremely popular and varied option...tea. I have tried it here and there over the last year or two, but never really fell in love with it. I finally decided that it was time to try in earnest. Over the last couple of months I have bought and tried about five different flavors of herbal or green tea, finding two that aren't too bad. Just last week at the grocery store, I picked up some new flavors to try: gingersnap (with a hint of lemon) and peachy ginger. They sound so fallish - how could I resist? I am, afterall, expanding my horizons AND my taste buds!

In the end, I hope to have a couple tasty, new, caffine free beverages that I love. Perfect for those evenings when I want to just curl up on a corner of the couch and unwind after a busy day.


Suzanne said...

Tea is one of my very favorite things, as you well know, my friend. Might I suggest ginger peach, cinnamon vanilla, blackberry sage, vanilla almond. And don't forget to play around with different sweeteners and stuff. Some teas just have to have honey and not sugar. And some really taste good with milk.
Oh, how I wish could share an evening with you over a good cup of tea...

Hymas Life said...

I really enjoy some tea from time to time too. Try some of the Yogi teas which have middle eastern themes like Egyptian licorice or hazelnut vanilla spice. Andi and I have recently started buying loose leaf tea also (at a little coffee joint in downtown Vancouver). I love the peppermint ;)

Julianna Lawson said...

I must second the ginger peach and blackberry sage suggestions. Excellent choices. I like mine really creamy. We're talkin' serious half & half, here. Fireside chai is a nice caffeine free choice for those snuggly evening mugs, too.