Saturday, September 18, 2010

A Big Sigh Of Relief

We're moving. I think it's pretty well official. Contracts have been entered into for both buying and selling, and closing day is descending upon us rapidly! I have a steadily growing pile for the Goodwill, and cardboard moving boxes have begun to pop up in the office and living room. We find ourselves catagorizing our earthly belongings into what we need on a daily basis and what we can live without for a few weeks so we can get a jump start on filling those moving boxes. We are in transition...

And that transition has been so much more than a simple changing of address over the last couple of weeks. I (and mine) have experienced both conclusions and new beginnings, being stretched outside of our comfort zone, moments of extreme self doubt, navigating unfamiliar and crazy schedules, mountains of paperwork, personal loss, hellos, goodbyes, unexpected malfunctions, tears, and glimmers of hopefulness.

It is those glimmers - those moments of hopefulness - that I choose to cling to. Because the wearing events have been softened by God. A mighty God, who looks down and sees little ol' me, and cares enough to provide a new home. To fully honor a prayer whispered fervently for our kids. To encourage me with a devotional that spoke to the exact circumstances of the day. All gentle reminders that He will see us through.

My heart sighs with relief.

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