Friday, October 23, 2009


I look out my window and see an unforgiving fall day in my little corner of the NW. I know. I know! I can hear you now...

"What, Laura? Unforgiving? I thought you just blogged about how you love fall?"

Ahem. Yes. I DID say I love fall...which is true. The exception for today, however, is that it is stormy and raining pretty heavily and I (like a crazy woman) accepted an afternoon position supervising the elementary school playground. Picture me, out in the cold/wet elements for an hour and a half today and you begin to understand the 'unforgiving' portion of my statement.

A person can do anything for an hour and a half, right? Especially when I have promised to reward myself with a caramel apple cider from Squeeze & Grind - the BEST I have found in all of Clark County. It's right here in my little town of Camas, so I will soothe my chills with a super yummy and steamy beverage and think cozy thoughts of wrapping up in a down throw later tonight; perhaps snuggling up with a good book or movie.

Off I go. Wish me luck...and warmth :)

Post Script: I was SO well prepared for this afternoon that it actually turned out to be quite nice. I layered up more than sufficiently, brought a giant umbrella, and even got to pass some of the time hanging out with my daughter and her friends. It was not an unforgiving fall day afterall!

1 comment:

Joanna said...

But did you still reward yourself with a caramel apple cider? :) I hope so. I'm with you on the cold- standing in rain and cold is never fun...seems to be doing that a lot here too lately.