Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sweet Children

I was having a bit of an Eeyore day yesterday, I'm not going to lie. It was a gray, rainy day here in the northwest and that sort of matched my mood. Hence no blog post. Didn't our moms always say, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"???

I tried to be fair and patient with my had been a long day; but after I witnessed a rigorous stuffed animal fight and a soaking wet bathroom floor (after Emily pranked Ben by dumping a large cup-full of cold water on him while he was in the tub, not once but twice!) I could tell my patience was waining. Then Hardy kept whining at the door, but refusing to do his 'business' every time I let him out. It was 7:45 at night, and I was done. Hardy went to his kennel and I went to my bed. I told the kids that mommy was having a bad attitude and needed a time-out!

A few minutes of quiet time did me good. My spirits were further lifted when Emily and Ben showed up in my room, homemade cards in hand. Emily's was a little heart book that said, "Mom Rocks" and inside there was a list of complimentary things about me. Ben's was a card that read " I love Yuo Mom" with a red bird drawn inside. They wanted to make me feel better, and they did! The night ended on a much happier note...all snuggled in my bed and giggling over a made up story about a horse who could understand English, run a microwave, and had to save his frozen owner :)

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