Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Why Not?!?

Everyone blogs.

Seriously! We are in a 'blogging age'. I have long been fascinated by reading the many blogs of people I know, and even some I don't know. It gives you a little window into their lives...a glimpse of their thoughts. Sometimes they make me smile or laugh out loud (ie: cake wrecks. Thanks Suzanne for showing me that one!) and some keep me connected to people I don't often get to see. But I never planned to be among them. I never thought I'd have a blog of my own.

Never say never...right?!? I have no grand excuse or reason for blogging. I guess I was just bitten by the bug :) It's been on the back burner of my mind for a little while, and I finally just figured "why not?!?"

So I will ramble. I will post some of the thoughts I have. I will share stories about my life and anecdotes about my kids. Hopefully I will make someone else laugh, give them a glimpse of my life, and sometimes offer a little encouragement.

Why not?!?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Laura, Dad and I always thought you could be an author. Well written as usual!