Friday, November 12, 2010


I sat down tonight (even though it is far too late) to intentionally write this post.

Because that is what has been rolling around in my head lately. Living life intentionally.

Not the tightly scheduled, every moment planned, no room for spontaneity type of life. No. I could never be that way. It's just not how God created me.

What I'm thinking of is a life that is rich in meaningful relationships...because connecting with people was purposed, every day, as a top priority. And in this intentional life, one would never wonder, as they lay down to rest at the end of the day, where that day went and why it feels as though nothing considerable was accomplished. Yet rather, as their head touches the pillow, the one living the intentional life would exhale in contentment; from a day well lived, with opportunities taken. Not as a spectator. But as a contributing author to the grand story that God has written for each individual.

I want to live more intentionally.

To be that person - every day.

No regrets.

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