Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Nostalgia...In The Garage

We were all hanging out, being lazy and watching TV on Monday morning of the past holiday weekend. An ad came on for a toy race car set, which the kids (Ben in particular) ohhhed and ahhhhed over. As the ad was ending, Paul mentioned that he had an old slot-car racing set he had saved from his childhood... that he had put it away for when he had kids that were 'old enough'. I looked at him and said, "Uh...honey...they're old enough!"

So out came the dusty, old cardboard boxes. The kids excitedly unpacked and examined the many pieces of this new treasure. Together with their dad, they tweaked, tuned-up, snapped track together and played with the set. They have had such fun getting it up and working! The hours they have spent in the garage will surely be a fun memory.

Let the racing begin!

1 comment:

dshymas said...

somewhere I think I still have an old slotcar.. a red sportcar.. maybe a cobra ... Your right its sure to generate some furn memories