Thursday, January 14, 2010

Breakfast for Lunch

Paul and I've been having fun in the kitchen this week - making breakfast for lunch. It all started on Monday when we watched a short segment of an old Julia Child cooking episode on PBS. She was making omelets, and making it look so easy in her quirky, bumbling way. I didn't think much of it at the time, but it must've left an impression on Paul because the very next day he unexpectedly asked me if we had onion and bell pepper in the house. "Yes," I reply, confused. "Why?"

"I was thinking about trying to make one of those omelets," he answered.

So, we washed up and went to the kitchen to begin chopping and prepping for our culinary adventure. I sauteed the onion and bell pepper while Paul whisked eggs and grated cheese. We pulled out butter, salsa (yes, the Paul Newman black bean variety!), salt, and pepper. We pre-heated our pan. And then Paul stepped up to the cooktop, ingredients poised on the flanking coutertops, and took the roll of lead chef!

He greased the pan and ladled in the eggs, just like he had seen on TV. All the while we joked back and forth in our best Julia impressions: "Oh, and doesn't that look delicious!" At one point I called him Paul Child, and then laughed as I remembered that actually was the name of Julia's husband! It was messy fun. And you know what? It DID turn out delicious! 

It seems that Julia really did know what she was talking about :)


Kari said...

Any day a husband cooks is a good day! One question begs to be asked...did he clean up the kitchen afterwards? ;)

Laura said...

No! But it was yummy and oh so worth it :)