Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Isn't life a rollercoaster ride?

Our bodies form and grow, safely nestled inside our mothers womb. Like waiting in line for our turn to hand over our ticket and climb in the seat of the rollercoaster, infant bodies develop until the appointed time to be ushered into this life and join the ride.

Our childhood and youth is all about the ascent. Progressing ever forward up the initial hill...anticipating...achieving...each click of the track bringing us higher and higher.

One more click and we are at the crest of the hill...adolescence. Ah, the teen years. On the cusp of adulthood we look back to where we began, and at the peak we feel we have arrived. Only the ride has just begun.

After all, in our adult years, the rollercoaster boasts extreme highs as well as lows. Twists and turns. Moments that thrill and take our breath away; moments that feel terrifying, as if we are falling. Weddings, birthdays, graduation, successes. Medical diagnosis, cancer, struggles, death. A rapid succession of peaks and valleys, and no way to know if your ride will be short or long.

So enjoy the ride. Soak in the view from the top and cherish the moments you soar high. And when you are pulled down, hold on in faith and embrace those who ride next to you. Trust in the One who controls the ride. Believe He will never let you go too far or too fast, and that He will let you off when the time is right.


dshymas said...

Good analogy... except in life the closer you get to the end of the ride the faster it goes ;^)

Unknown said...

Laura, this is truly simply AMAZING!! Publish it!!