"I think I am growing a mustache. I can feel some hair on my lip here. Really. I think when I'm older I'll grow a mustache. Or a beard. Or a goatique."
"Sometimes at school I daydream. I was daydreaming at recess and woke up just in time to see the wall ball coming straight for my face!"
"I want to go to Seattle again....and go to the Needle Point. Dad and Emily got to go up on it, but I never did."
"Judas sold Jesus out for 30 pieces of silver. I thought it was 20, but my Sunday School teacher said it was 30."
"I'm hot! I have armpit juice! It smells like olive oil. Really. Do you want to smell it?"
And so it continued, for the entire duration of the walk. He only stopped when we were back on our street, feet from our house, and he saw his sisters outside playing. "Bye Mom," he said, as he turned and ran to meet the girls.
Conversation done; just like that.