Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Give It A Try

I am an admitted photo junky. (grin) No surprise there for anyone who knows me or reads this blog! And as such, I spend time online every week looking at flickr and photography blogs. I recently stumbled across a happy marriage of the two. Allow me to introduce Madeline Bea. In my humble opinion, her photography is beautiful. What is more, she seems to be an extemely real wife and mommy. But my specific reason for bringing her up is because she posts a regular feature on her blog called Realities & Blessings; and it's something I'd like to try over here on my own little blog. It is an honest, no frills statement about something going on in life - that's the reality side - followed by a positive, silver-lining type of comment on the same statement - which is where the blessing part comes in. In essence, it's all about being a glass half-full type of person and acknowledging that God can use all things together for good. So indulge me while I give it a try...

REALITY: A wet and gray weather forecast is stretching out before us this week
BLESSING: Around here, it's usually just a drizzle that won't soak you, even if you do get caught outside. Plus, there is often a window or two in each day when the clouds part and the sun peaks through. I had a moment like that this morning that I was able to squeeze my run into. AND...we have beautiful, lush grassy yards and flowers popping up everywhere thanks to those same rains.

REALITY: My floor is in a perpetual state of needing to be swept.
BLESSING: I am blessed with three active kids who are learning to be independent. Their being able to get up and see to their own breakfast is worth the crumbs on the table and the cheerios on the floor.

REALITY: Our house has been on the market for over a month with no bites on it yet.
BLESSING: We aren't on a time frame. We really have a year (or more) to see what will happen. I wanted the kids to be able to finish out the school year in their current classes, anyway, so this saves me from driving them in daily from who knows where. Plus, I figure God is using this time to line up the next house He has for us. Maybe that house hasn't been listed yet, or perhaps it's on the market now and the price will have gone down by the time we are ready to purchase. Oh, and truth be told, we needed this extra time to button up the baseboard trim in the closets!

That's all for me (for now). Thanks Maegan, aka Madeline Bea, for such a great idea. I think a little more time spent on being thankful and positive does wonders for a person's outlook. Happy Tuesday everyone!


Julianna Lawson said...

I love this perspective, Laura. Gratitude has a way of bringing life into every aspect of our walk. Thank you for sharing!

Hymas Life said...

I love it Laura!! I may have to "give it a try" as well!! :)
Thanks for the post!

Maegan Beishline said...

This is wonderful. Laura! I especially like the bit about the fact that your kids can get their own breakfast being worth the extra crumbs...I would have to agree!

Thanks so much for playing along and for your sweet, sweet words! Have a great weekend...wet and gray as it may be!