Thursday, March 31, 2011

Game Face

We enjoyed a window of wonderful spring weather tonight and got outside for a while as a family. There was some blue sky and a lovely light breeze, all in comfortable 60-something temps. Soccer was on the agenda, and I couldn't resist bringing the camera for pictures. Just as I can't resist sharing them with you now :)

grrr...bring your game face!

This evening truly was a breath of fresh air!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Not Too Big

I love that my kids are still holding onto their childhood. That even Emily, in middle school and growing up by the minute, still enjoys a little silly, imaginative play. This weekend she handed me two hand-drawn, paper quarters. She explained that I would know when to use them, then walked away. A while later, the doorbell rang, and here is what was waiting for me on the other side...
I wish these days wouldn't pass so fast!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Bloom Where You're Planted

"Bloom where you're planted."

It's a phrase we use from time to time at my preschool, usually to encourage a child to pick a seat and not get up and move around. But I find that phrase quietly surfacing in my mind lately. Not as an encouragement to physically find a spot, but to flourish in my life, right where I am. To look for the grace in each day (whatever the circumstance), lean on God, and grow.

No excuses.

No waiting for something/someone to change before I will.

Instead blooming, making the here and now beautiful.